Zu Tisch, bitte! (Dinner is served!)
Zu Tisch, bitte! (Dinner is served!)
Year of realization→
Concept, Data visualization, Design, Photography
Concept, Data visualization, Design, Photography
Today‘s menu includes not only the traditional Austrian schnitzel with potatoes and cranberries, but also an examination of the topic of domestic violence. Femicide describes the deliberate killing of a woman by a man because of her gender or because of violations of traditional, social and patriarchal roles. For this reason, this topic is brought to the table metaphorically today by visualizing it using a napkin, which functions here as a symbol of domestic violence. The napkin is more than just an ordinary decoration; the black dots on it each represent a femicide. With the help of a legend, the time and place of each death can be traced. Each side of the napkin represents a quarter of a year. When the napkin is unfolded, the year 2023 is revealed, giving an overview of the black days in Austria.
The aim of this project is to draw attention to and raise awareness of these hate crimes. Instead of overlooking or concealing the problem, it is deliberately brought to the table to encourage an open discussion about it.