Septem Motus
Year of realization​​​​​​​→ 
Speculative Design Concept, Poster, Animation, Editorial
We are in a future world that reacts belatedly to climate change and in which everything is already destroyed. People's rights are severely restricted and everyone has to follow the given rules and norms, losing any kind of individuality. Everyone lives the system desired by the state and follows the points system for good behaviour published by the government.
Through the monotonous everyday life and the loss of one's own identity, feelings and emotions also disappear. Are we then still human?
Through Septem Motus, the basic emotions that are essential for survival (according to Paul Ekman) can flow into the body and make us feel again.
Whether and which dose of feelings are administered is checked by a state artificial intelligence.

Speculative Design Concept, Poster, Animation, Editorial→ 
Anna-Sophie Wehmeyer
Tobias Türk

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